TarBlaster Process
For dry recovery and upgrading of oil from oil sand and oil shale. Assigned to TARBLASTER AS, Oslo, Norway. |
WineWatch Sensor
For monitoring of temperature and content of wine in BIB (Bag in Box). Assigned to MULTISENSE AS. |
Process for on-site upgrading of extra heavy oil to light oil. Assigned to ELLYCRACK AS, Oslo. |
Carbo thermal processes for production of metals from metal oxides. Assigned to METALICA AS, Oslo, Norway. |
Electroosmotic micropumps and electro osmotic membrans. Assigned to OSMOTEX AS, Bergen, Norway |
SensCell invasive glucose sensor for diabetics. Assigned to LIFECARE AS, Bergen, Norway. |
EUREKA Enhanced Oil Recovery system
Process for electro accoustic EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) Innovation Norway´s award 1998. Assigned to Well Flow International LLL, Bahrain. |
Thermodynamic Cracking and Conversion Processes for cleaning of oil contaminated sludge. First Award Enviromental Northeren Seas 1991, Stavanger. Assigned to THERMTECH AS, Bergen, Norway. |
Patented device for spreading grass in silos for farmers. Licensed to Totland Mek. Verksted, Kalvåg. About 500 produced. |
Patented special trailer for transportation of excavators. Licensed to Eie Fabrikker AS, Egersund and Trallfa AS, Bryne, Norway. About 200 trailers produced. |
Patented hydraulic operated machine for removal of stones from farmers' fields. Assigned to Hatten & Jota AS, Trysil. About 50 machines produced |
Crane to handle sonar equipment for oil exploration. Produced for the Institute for Continental Investigation, Trondheim in cooperation with BRØYT AS, Bryne. |
Closing hinge for farm windows. Sold to Stueland Trevarefabrikk AS, Varhaug. In production. |
Lifting hinge for concert chairs. Sold to Skeie AS, Sandnes. In production. |
Patented no-slippery skies assigned to Åsnes Skifabrikk AS, Straumsnes. In production. |
2004 Innovation Norway national invention award "Reodor Felgen" for the VISCOSITOR technology.
1998 Innovation Norway national invention award "Reodor Felgen" for the most important cutting edge technology EUREKA ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY PRINCIPLE. The award was given by the Norwegian Minister for Industry and Trade.
1995 Innovation Norway national invention award "Reodor Felgen" for the SensCell technology.
1994 Norwegian Engineering Association (NITO) national engineering award for 1994.
1992 Diploma for outstanding inventions at KLEKK-92 invention exhibition.
1991 First price for the TCC-process at Environmental Northern Seas Exhibition in 1991. |